Monday, June 20, 2011

Beautiful Seattle Center........

 Seattle IS art! (well parts of it:)

      One of my favorite places to go is Seattle, especially the Space Needle area! I got the privlede\ge of working right across the street from the EMP at the Bill Gates Foundation and got the chance to take some amazing pictures!
      I even got the chance to work putting pipe in the ground at the Seattle Center, in one of the court yards. 

Loving it as a kid, still loving it with my family, getting to actually work there....awesome!! 

LOVE LOVE this pict!!! Can not believe how great it turned out!

Different angle, not as great...

 Who doesn't love a beautiful carousel??? :)

 I could sit all day and take pictures of the Space needle!!
The fountain is always such a good place to come on a hot day!! We should skip out on work tomorrow!! 77 degrees!!! About time!

Almost as mesmerizing as the Mexico campfires ;)
Trumpets in the Butterfly exhibit....ugh...I cant stand butterflies! Annette and Brian could tell ya all about that trip..LOL!

This is the pict is the view from my old job at the Bill Gates Foundation, I was putting low voltage in....
That's one All-American pict there :)

Brian is so used to me taking so many picts, that now all he asks "are ya takin pictures of the lines babe?"


This was interesting, I happened to be walking next to the EMP and saw the reflection...neat!

My Boy and my man...and he was snoozing in the sun!

Ok, So had to add proof that I worked at the Seattle Center :) My bro came and visited me there!

Lex and Hunter at the Space needle '10

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A different take at Mexico.....

I tend to see the world just a bit differently than others... 
That is why I am finally doing something with all my pictures I have been taking throughout my life...not the everyday life pictures we post on FB,
but the ones that I see as Art, or the ones that move me...or fill me with emotions I can't express in any words...

     This little girl, was the neighbor of the families that our mission teams made houses for...I was in the middle of taking pictures of Brooke helping to frame up the "A team's" house...(the team I was on, we;) when I looked at this girls house, her Mom was placing her in the back of this vehicle to it was a playpen...Little did this she know that she has forever changed my heart...

 This picture is of the electrical coming into the neighbors house....Just a reminder for me to always try to be the light...and to remember God is always there!! No matter what kind of greif, stress, or even poverty you are going through...
I started taking pictures of all the crosses I saw, and Austin (Holly and Aaron's son) would help point out that God is everywhere :)

 I asked her what her name was, and I thought she kept saying "Lolita" but she kept correcting me...I am still not for sure what her name really is :( oh well...I will see her next year!
     Meet  Yolanda (pink) and Areli (grey). Yolanda's eyes tell a sad story don't they, they pierce into my soul whenver I come across this picture! I look at it alot just to remember the sadness...and to help me always remember why I need to do whatever I can to help whoever I can!!
     I made them both simple copper bracellets with some of my left over wire from wiring the house up, and also one for my daughter...I plan to print out the picts of the girls and hang them up for Lexi, so she can in a way, feel close to the girls she gets to meet next May!

Brooke helped changed all those kids' lives, by just a simple painting session...what is simple to us, may be the WORLD to someone else!! <3 U Brooke:)


   Meet Casper, the sadest dog I have ever met....
Everyone told me not to touch the animals...Brooke and I finally couldn't take it anymore, and started cleaning the eyes of some of the puppies that were gooped shut...:( The animals need love too!!
Pretty little spiderweb among the neat flowers by the Families house...

Nacho Libre... :)

The Hernandez's old house...which was a whopping 10x10 at the most, for a family of four....

Rosarita shopping....Never knew viagra could be bottled ;)

Neat market Art... :)

Miss the camp fires in Mexico with all of my friends!

 This is definitley art to me!!! Being an electrician is one thing, but the heck of a time I had to make sure that this family had electricity....that was Amazing and a huge journey for me! I am glad that Pastor Loran had the confidence in me that I didn't think I had!!
 Oleg said he liked this pict better than the color one, but I think the contrast didnt turn out as well as I wanted...but wanted to share anyway...
This teddy just kida gave me a sense of how these kids live...

The faith that our family had was amazing!!

I took this picture for my friend Deanna Adler...she has to get a turtles everytime she goes to Mexico nnow, so these turtles on the boardwalk of Tiajuana reminded me of her :) Especially, since she brought her son Zack with them this time...

A Mexican version of a Statue of Liberty...definitely art.. :)

Tijuana wall...made out of was actually supporting part of it at one side!!

 The Mexican/American border....definitely amazing to see in person! Always saw it on the news...but to see it first hand, and also all the crosses there represent mexicans who have lost their lives trying to cross the border into our country...pretty heart wrenching when you see that way...
mmmmm..... the beach!

Very colorful building, right on the Tijuanan boardwalk...I had never been to mexico...VERY different atmosphere...I am actually very thankful for everything we do have in our country!

YWAM tijuana/San Diego base that was our home for the Memorial day weekend 2011...Thank you so much everyone of you volunteers that are now part of my family!!

Seaport Village in San Diego....He's everywhere ;)

Downtown Tijuana....Neat Art everywhere I turned!!

The Taco was art itself.... this was the infamous "head" taco....had cow eye, toungue, brain and cheek in it...unusually tender the meat was!! I could only take one bite! Thanks for the experience Pastor Loran!

YWAM! Beautiful!

Another view of the YWAM base!!

Jon, Oleg, Tony, Yuri, and Oleg....all awesome guys!! Loved getting to know and work with all of them!

just me trying out my new camera, at one of our many campfires :)

When we stopped for Starbucks in Tijuana.....had to take a pict

Oleg, Oleg, Yuri and my hubby Brian...neat pict! Kicking it at Starbucks

I just liked this pict..I always like to take picts of people who dont realize it at the time...

Oleg and Yuri!

San Diego..coulda been a better pict...

At a shop at Seaport village!! So pretty!